Secure Shopping
- Shop With Confidence!
- Protecting Your Personal Information
- Privacy Policy
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL Technology) uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers, during your online transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.
Privacy Policy doesn't like it when someone gives away our personal information and neither do you! That's why we don't rent, sell or share your personal information with anyone. Our Privacy Policy details how your personal information is collected and how your personal information may be used.
Frequently Asked Questions
Shouldn’t the address bar show https:// rather than Doesn’t the ‘s’ at the end mean it is a secure connection?
We use https:// only for our secure pages, i.e. those pages that transfer confidential information such as the Login, My Account, and Checkout pages. Pages that are only used for products or blogs will still use the regular http:// since no sensitive information is being passed through them.
Why doesn’t password reset work? Why do I have to call SoComfy in order to get our password changed?
It takes approximately 2-3 minutes for a password reset email to be sent since we collect all requests within a 2-minute timeframe and send them out in batches. Also, please make sure to check your “spam” or “Junk e-mail” folder in your email client. Finally, if you’re using your corporate email address, please note that that your company may have a centralized spam filter that could be blocking such emails. In such event, please check with your company’s IT department to see if they’ve quarantined any emails for you from and ask them to release them.
If I save my payment information in your system will it be safe?
Yes! Our awesome security staff go to great lengths to ensure the safety of our customers’ payment information. Not only are we PCI compliant and encrypt connections using SSL technology, we also encrypt payment information traveling within our company as well. All payment information is encrypted while in storage within a network that is firewalled off from the rest of the company and the internet.
Why is it when I go to your site I receive a popup stating that your site does not have a secure connection?
We want to confirm that the page is still secure since all Login/Checkout/Account pages travel over SSL; however, there are currently some issues with a specific version of the Internet Explorer browser and how it handles images on secure pages. Our tech team is working towards a solution.